DCARB is seeking interest from a diverse range of industries from all corners of the globe to partner with. Partners that are both industry leaders and are interested in securing our DCARB technology and reducing fuel and emissions for diesel engines worldwide. 

Why are we looking for Distributors?

To quickly transition existing relationships into sales across our 4 main target markets, Marine, Rail, Power Generation, Trucking.

Who we are looking for as Distributors?

Our preferred partner should already be established within the core target industry and actively be providing their clients with products and services.  Ideally, they can offer their existing clients the DCARB technology in addition to their existing product mix.  A DCARB partner does not have to be active in all sectors but must be active in at least one.


We look for the following attributes when selecting distribution partners:


It is be important for us to work with you as a partner. It should fit in with your existing strategy and add value to both our businesses.


You should be in the right segment of the market, and have the right knowledge, network and capacity to promote and deliver DCARB technology.


Companies match our integrity and a similar background, way of doing business, and view on how to deliver value.