DCARB is focused on developing and commercializing hydrogen-based solutions to decarbonize industries and contribute to a sustainable future. Our development pipeline includes the commercialization of a hydrogen-on-demand product available Today (the D100 unit) and the ongoing development of a potentially disruptive, low-cost, and highly efficient hydrogen production system for Tomorrow (the DArc unit).

We are commercialising and developing products that meet the following three fundamentals:


Firstly, Be Impactful today, with emission reduction, time is of the essence. Our solutions must make an immediate impact in terms of reducing emissions, must be safe, easy to deploy and must stay current with the latest technology.


Second, they must be commercial; we do not expect our customers to be penalised for decarbonising. Our solutions must also provide multiple benefits to create diversity in the commercials. This means valuing benefits like reduced emissions, fuel savings, maintenance benefits and higher availability.


The 3rd and last fundamental is that we look to partner with our customers as decarbonisation is a journey and not a click of the finger approach. We will continue to innovate and by so doing develop solutions that progressively assist our customers decarbonise their operations.


Solutions For Today


Solutions For Tomorrow

Our units can be retrofitted to almost any existing diesel asset to provide a Hydrogen co-fueling solution that will deliver immediate benefits:

Reduced Particulate Emissions Up

Improved Oil Quality Over Service Life

Reduced Fuel Consumption 5-15%

Greater Torque Eficiency 4-6%

Reduced CO2 emissions Up To 5-15%


Our focus has been on generating sufficient hydrogen for smaller engines, such as those in trucks and buses. Instead of storing hydrogen, our system stores water and, using our technology, converts it to hydrogen and oxygen on demand. This approach is not only more efficient but also significantly safer and easier, as water is much simpler to store compared to hydrogen. 

Additionally, using water offers the benefit of supplementing the combustion process with extra oxygen, which helps the fuel burn more completely. 

With recent advancements in our industry-leading technology, we can now generate enough hydrogen on demand for large diesel engines that power marine vessels, locomotives, and large generators.


DArc Unit

The DArc unit is being developed as a skid-mounted hydrogen production unit that can produce green oxyhydrogen at the point of use and at a commercially competitive price. We are yet to determine as to whether to sell the unit with the associated balance of plant or to provide oxyhydrogen or hydrogen (with the addition of a purification membrane to the balance of the plant) as a fuel under a fuel sales agreement.

We believe the DArc unit will have commercial applications including but not limited to the following:

  • Co-fuelling existing power plants that are OEM-rated to take a certain percentage of hydrogen or oxyhydrogen, we see particular opportunities in power plants serving remote Australian communities and mine sites.
  • Hydrogen refueling stations, as hydrogen-fuelled vehicles. become more common place a DArc unit could be located at an operation’s base for large private truck or bus fleets.
  • Industial sites where hydrogen is required either as a power source of feedstock.
  • Decentralised hydrogen hubs, potentially closer to point of use and at smaller scale as sclae is not required with the DArc HPU in order to drive down the cost of hydrogen to a commercially viable price.



This technology has the potential to produce hydrogen at less than 10kWh/kg making it a disruptive and cost-effective method for hydrogen production. Current development efforts involve validating the performance of the DArc unit for an upcoming field trial at an industrial site, with plans to commercialize the unit as a distributed low-cost hydrogen production system, eliminating the need or transporting hydrogen to where it is needed.